
We’re ready for you.

University of Hertfordshire Accommodation groups and pages are student run. Making your student experience that little bit better


1. I’m a first year student (aka a fresher). Can I join?

You can only join if you are;
– a continuing student at the university with confirmed, on campus accommodation or
you have an unconditional offer with accommodation booked.
If you have a conditional offer with the university, please follow the fresher pages and join the accommodation ones later. If you have a place and know which accommodation court you are in, feel free to join!

If you are ever unsure, please drop us a message via our Facebook page.

2. What are the plans for the groups after freshers?

The groups will remain on Facebook for you to join. The Dean of Students office will also be running virtual events alongside Active Students.

3. Who runs these pages/groups?

We (Herts Freetime & Kingdom Media) manage all pages for the 2020-21 academic year. Some members will get administrator/moderator permissions if and only if you have had experience. All accommodation pages for 2019-20 are being run by current UH students for students with absolutely no affiliation to the university.

4. Is there going to be a de Havilland page?

Yes! Message us on Facebook to get your page started.

5. Nobody is joining the page. We need to advertise it more! Can we do this?

Students will join when they have accepted their offer of accommodation. We have run these pages for 4 years and this happens every year. You’ll see an influx of students joining shortly. Please avoid promoting this group on sites like The Student Room as it violates their terms of use.

6. I keep seeing that people are creating ads… What’s allowed? What isn’t allowed?

Typically, we encourage advertising for any on-campus event. This can take the form of Hertfordshire Students’ Union events OR those run by Elehouse/Cafe Ambition. All other advertisements, including those offering assignment help, are strictly forbidden.

7. Can I join multiple pages?

We would ask that you try and avoid this where possible. We have often found that it causes problems.